New definitions are in bold and key topics covered are in a bulleted list.
This schedule is approximate and subject to change!
Introduction (3 classes)
2/1: graph, vertex, edge, finite graph, multiple edges, loop, simple graph, adjacent, neighbors, incident, endpoint, degree, degree sum, isolated vertex, leaf, end vertex, degree sequence, graphic, Havel-Hakimi algorithm
- Notes from Section 1.1 (Notes pages 0–14)
- Syllabus discussion.
- What is a graph?
- How to describe a graph.
- Degree sequence of a graph.
- Theorem 1.1.2.
2/6: path graph Pn, cycle Cn, complete graph Kn, bipartite graph, complete bipartite graph Km,n, wheel graph Wn, star graph Stn, cube graph
- Proof of Theorem 1.1.2.
- Notes from Section 1.2 (Notes pages 15–23)
- A dictionary of graphs.
2/8: Petersen graph, Grotzsch graph,
Platonic solid, Schlegel diagram, Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron,
Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, equal graphs, isomorphic graphs, disjoint
union, union, graph complement, self-complementary graph, subgraph,
induced subgraph, proper subgraph
- A dictionary of graphs.
- Schlegel diagrams of Platonic solids.
- When are two graphs the same?
- Larger graphs from smaller graphs.
- Smaller graphs from larger graphs.
- Groupwork on definitions.
Graph Statistics (3 classes)
2/15: path in G from a to b, connected graph, disconnected graph, connected component, cut vertex, cut set
2/21: bridge, disconnecting set, connectivity (κ(G)), edge connectivity (κ'(G)), minimum, minimal, tree, forest
- Vertex and edge connectivity (No new notes today)
- Um versus Al
- Lemma A. If there is a path from a to b in G and a path from b to c
in G, then there is a path from a to c in G.
- Lemma B. Let G be a connected graph. Suppose that G contains a cycle C and e is an edge of C. The graph H=G \ e is connected.
- Theorem 1.3.1.
2/27: tree, forest, girth g(G), distance between vertices, diameter diam(G), clique, clique number ω(G), independent set, independence number α(G)
- Trees and forests.
- Theorems 1.3.2, 1.3.3, and 1.3.5.
- Theorems 2.4.1 and 3.2.1
- Graph statistics (Notes pages 35–36)
Coloring (2 classes)
2/29: (vertex) coloring, proper coloring,
3/5: critical graph, bipartite graph, edge coloring, edge chromatic number
- Critical graphs
- Bipartite graphs
- Edge coloring
- Vizing's Theorem
3/7: snark, turning trick
- Snarks
- Edge chromatic number of complete graphs
Planarity (4 classes)
3/19: drawing, simple curve, plane drawing, plane graph, planar graph, region, face, outside face, maximal planar, dual graph
- Notes from Sections 8.1 and 8.2 (Notes pages 50–61)
- Planar graphs.
- Euler's Formula.
- Maximal planar graphs.
3/21: dual graph, map, normal map, kempe chain, deletion, contraction, minor, subdivision
- dual graph, self-dual graph
- Maps, normal maps.
- Four Color Theorem (not proved).
- History of the four color theorem.
- Notes from Sections 8.2, 8.3, and 9.1 (Notes pages 62–71)
- Six Color Theorem (proved).
- Five Color Theorem (proved).
3/26: kempe chain, deletion, contraction, minor, subdivision
- Five Color Theorem (proved).
- Kempe Chains argument
- Modifications of graphs.
- Kuratowski's Theorem.
3/28: crossing number, thickness, and genus of a graph, torus,
- Notes from Sections 9.1, 9.2, and 10.3 (Notes pages 72–78)
- Statistics of nonplanarity.
- Crossing number of a graph
- Thickness of a graph
- Genus of a graph
- The Peterson graph is non-planar.
Algorithms (5 classes)
4/2: algorithm, correctness, matching, perfect matching, Hungarian algorithm, M-alternating path, M-augmenting path
- The Peterson graph is non-planar.
- Notes from Section 7.2 and more (Notes pages 79–86)
- Algorithms.
- Maximal, maximum, perfect matchings.
- Hungarian algorithm.
4/16: stable matching
- Correctness of the Hungarian algorithm.
- Notes about stable matchings (Notes pages 87–95)
- Stable matchings
- The play
- Proof of correctness
- Proof of male optimality
4/18: directed edges, network, flow, cut, max flow, min cut, augment a flow
- Notes about network flow (Notes pages 96–108)
- Network
- Flow in a network, MAX FLOW
- Edge cuts, MIN CUT
4/25: Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, companion graph, transshipment, dynamic network
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and examples
- Notes about transshipment (Notes pages 109–115)
- Transshipment
- Dynamic Network
4/30: weighted graph, spanning tree, Kruskal's Algorithm, Hamiltonian Cycle, Traveling Salesman Tour
- Notes from Section 7.1 and TSP (Notes pages 116–123)
- Minimum Weight Spanning Trees
- Traveling Salesman Problem
5/23, 4-6 pm (Final Exam Day)