Tony Ko

SethPark is based on the cartoon South Park, produced by the Cartoon Network. Audio from South Park has been edited to fit the content of SethPark.

WARNING: SethPark episodes contains extremely strong language and religous jokes. If you are easily offnded by any of the above, please do not proceed.

Contains vulgar language. Not recommended for children under 17.

Contains one bad word ('F' word). Parental disgression is advised.

Contains a sexual reference. Parental discretion is advised.

Thanks to Cathy Daly for taking time out of her busy schedule to review things and provide valuable feedback; Thanks to Chris Kenner for the suggestion of using Pamela Anderson :) Thanks to Heather and Angela for providing lots of great suggestions and pictures; Thanks to Johnny for the MM audio.

                    © 2010, 2011     
Queens College is CUNY