New definitions are in bold and key topics covered are in a bulleted list.
This schedule is approximate and subject to change!
1/28: Sections 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5 (Notes pages 1-8)
- What is combinatorics?
- Example: Domino Tilings
- Example: Slicing a cube
- Example: Domino Tiling Fault Lines
- Example: Orthogonal Latin Squares
2/2: Sections 1.7 and 3.1 (Notes pages 9-13)
- Example: Let's play Nim!
- The addition and multiplication principles.
2/4: Sections 3.2 and 3.3 (Notes pages 14-19)
- The subtraction and division principles.
- Differences between permutations and combinations
- r-Permutations of sets with n elements.
- r-Combinations of sets with n elements.
- Examples involving permutations and combinations.
- Circular permutations.
2/9: Sections 3.4 and 3.5 (Notes pages 20-23)
- Multisets.
- Physical representation of permutations and combinations of sets and multisets.
- Permutations and combinations of multisets
- Examples of permutations of multisets
2/11: Homework 3 discussion
2/16: No class, Presidents Day
2/18: Sections 3.5, 3.3, and 5.3 (Notes pages 24-30)
- Non-attacking rooks
- Examples of combinations of multisets
- Combinatorial proofs and combinatorial interpretations
2/23: Section 5.3 (Notes pages 31-33)
- Worksheet on combinatorial proofs
- Bijections
2/25: Homework 5 discussion
3/2: Snow Day
3/4: Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 (Notes pages 34-39)
- Pascal's formula
- Pascal's triangle
- The binomial theorem and related formulas
- Lattice paths
3/9: Sections 5.3, 5.6, and 5.5 (Notes pages 40-44)
- Extensions of binomial coefficients
- Newton's binomial theorem
- Multinomial Theorem
- Multinomial Coefficients
3/11: Question and Answer Session
3/16: Exam 1
3/18: Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 (Notes pages 44-49)
- Venn Diagrams
- Inclusion/Exclusion: Determining how many elements do satisfy properties.
- Inclusion/Exclusion: Determining how many elements don't satisfy properties.
- Groupwork on inclusion/exclusion.
- Derangements
3/23: Sections 6.3, 6.4, and 7.1 (Notes pages 49-53)
- The technique of partial fractions
- Combinatorial proofs involving derangements.
- Permutations with forbidden positions
- Rook interpretation with forbidden positions
- Integer Sequences
3/25: Sections 7.1, 7.2 (Notes pages 53-58)
- Fibonacci numbers
- Square-domino interpretation of Fibonacci numbers
- Introduction to Generating Functions
3/30: Section 7.4 (Notes pages 59-63)
- Generating functions
- Generating function manipulation
- Worksheet: determining a generating function from a sequence
4/1: Homework 9 discussion
4/6: Sections 7.5
- Worksheet: determining a sequence from its generating function.
- Application: Relabeling dice to give the same sum distribution
- Counting combinations of fruit with restrictions
- Using generating functions to solve recurrences
4/8: No class, Spring Break
4/13: No class, Spring Break
4/15: No class, Spring Break
4/20: Section 7.5 and 8.2
- Using generating functions to solve recurrences
- Partitions of a set and of a number
- Partitions of a set
- Distinguishable/Indistinguishable boxes/objects
- Combinatorial interpretation of Stirling numbers of the second kind
- A recurrence for Stirling numbers of the second kind
4/22: Sections 8.2 and 8.3
- A formula for Stirling numbers of the second kind
- Bell numbers and a recurrence they satisfy.
- Partitions of a number
- Ferrers diagram of a partition
- Conjugate partitions
- Partition numbers and generating functions
- Bijective proofs involving partition numbers
- diagrams, tableaux, semi-standard tableaux, standard tableaux
- Standard Young tableaux
- hook length formula
- Also: hook length of a cell
4/27: Sections 7.6, 8.1
- Catalan numbers
- Combinatorial interpretations of Catalan numbers
- Bijections between the various interpretations
- Dyck paths
- Catalan recurrences
4/29: Sections 7.6, 8.1
- Catalan numbers
- Combinatorial interpretations of Catalan numbers
- Bijections between the various interpretations
- Dyck paths
- Catalan recurrences
5/4: Sections 7.6, 8.1
- Generating function for Catalan numbers
- Proof of the formula for the Catalan numbers
- Combinatorial interpretation of the Catalan generating function.
5/6: Question and Answer Session
5/11: No class, poster work day
5/13: Poster Presentations
Monday, 5/18: Exam 2, 4-6pm in KY 427
Back to the Combinatorics Home Page.
Christopher Hanusa –
Queens College –
Mathematics Department.