New definitions are in bold and key topics covered are in a bulleted list.
This schedule is approximate and subject to change! Weeks 1 & 2 — Introduction (3 classes) 9/1, pp. 1–12: graph, vertex, edge, finite graph, multiple edges, loop, simple graph, adjacent, neighbors, incident, endpoint, degree, degree sum, isolated vertex, leaf, end vertex, degree sequence, graphic, Havel-Hakimi algorithm
9/3 pp. 13–15 & 19–23: path graph Pn, cycle Cn, complete graph Kn, bipartite graph, complete bipartite graph Km,n, wheel graph Wn, star graph Stn, cube graph, Petersen graph, Grotzsch graph, Platonic solid, Schlegel diagram, Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron
9/8 pp. 16–18 & 24: equal graphs, isomorphic graphs, disjoint union, union, graph complement, self-complementary graph, subgraph, induced subgraph, proper subgraph,
9/10: Discussion of Homework 2 Weeks 3 & 4 — Connectivity (3 classes) 9/15: pp. 25–28: path in G from a to b, connected graph, connected component, tree, forest,
9/17: pp. 29–34: k-connected, connectivity κ(G), separating set, cut vertex, k-edge connected, edge connectivity λ(G), disconnecting set, bridge, minimum degree δ(G), maximum degree Δ(G),
9/22: pp. 35–39: block, H-path, ear, ear decomposition
Week 4 — Graph Statistics (2 classes) 9/24: pp. 40–43: vertex cover, clique number ω(G), girth g(G), distance d(x,y), diameter diam(G), independent set, independence number α(G), vertex cover, size of minimum vertex cover β(G),
10/1: Discussion of Homework 4 10/6:
Weeks 6 & 7 — Coloring graphs (2 classes) 10/8: pp. 44–48: (proper) coloring, chromatic number, critical graph
10/13: pp. 49–55 bipartite, edge coloring, proper edge coloring, edge chromatic number, snark, turning trick
10/15: Discussion of Homework 6 10/22: Question and Answer session 10/24: Midterm Exam Weeks 9–10 — Cycles and Circuits (3 classes) 10/27: pp. 56–63 Decomposition, Hamiltonian cycle
10/29: pp. 64–72 (closed) knight's tour, walk, trail, path, open, closed, circuit, cycle, loop, Eulerian circuit, Eulerian Trail
11/3: pp. 73–83 Eulerian circuit, Eulerian Trail, sequence, binary sequence, de Bruijn sequence, de Bruijn graph
Weeks 10–11 — Planarity (3 classes) 11/5: pp. 84–92 drawing, simple curve, plane drawing, plane graph, planar graph, region, face, outside face, maximal planar, dual graph
11/10: pp. 93–102 map, normal map, map coloring, deleting a vertex (G\v), deleting an edge (G\e), edge contraction, subdivision, minor
11/12: Discussion of Homework 8 Weeks 12-14 -- Algorithms (4 classes) 11/17: pp. 103–110 matching, maximal matching, maximum matching, Hungarian Algorithm
11/19: pp. 111–117 stable matching, stable matching algorithm
11/24: Peer Review of Course Projects 12/1: pp. 118–128 directed graph, network, capacity of an edge, flow, maximum flow, st-edge cut, minimum cut
12/3: pp. 129–136
12/8: Discussion of Homework 10 12/10: Question and Answer Session Finals Week EXAM 2, Tuesday, December 15 from 4–6pm Other fun things in Graph Theory:Random GraphsTutte Polynomial Hyper Graphs Extremal Problems Spanning trees Edge cuts Chromatic polynomials Spectral theory Incidence and Adjacency matrices Enumeration of graphs Minimal spanning trees Shortest path algorithms Back to the Graph Theory Home Page. Christopher Hanusa – Queens College – Mathematics Department. |