Table of Contents




Ideology and Form in Henry Fielding


The Closing of Masterpiece Theater: Henry Fielding and the Valorization of Incoherence

David H. Richter


Reply: Ideology and Literary Form: Novels at Work

Patricia Meyer Spacks


Reply: Ideology and Literary Form in Fielding : Tom Jones  

John Richetti


Tom Jones : The Form in History

Ralph W. Rader


Making Fielding's Novels Speak for Law and Order

Gerald J. Butler


Closing Down the Theatre, and Other Critical Abuses

Carol Houlihan Flynn


Jonathan Wild and True Crime Fiction

David H. Richter


Form and Ideology in Cultural History


The Question of Ideological Form: Arthur Young, the Agricultural Tour, and Ireland

Ina Ferris


Form as Meaning: Pope and the Ideology of the Couplet

J. Paul Hunter


The Rules of the Game; Or, Why Neoclassicism Was Never an Ideology

Trevor Ross


Desire and Mourning: The Ideology of the Elegy

George E. Haggerty


Inchbald's A Simple Story: An Anti-Ideological Reading

Michael Boardman


The Feminization of Ideology: Form and the Female in the Long Eighteenth Century

Laura Brown



The Ends of Ideology: Politics and Literary Response

Lennard Davis



Form and Formalists, Ideologies and Ideologues: A Polemical Conclusion

David Richter