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Francesca Bregoli > Publications
Francesca Bregoli
Francesca Bregoli

Books and Edited Volumes

Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform (Stanford University Press, 2014) [Finalist, 2014 National Jewish Book Award in the categories of Sephardic Culture and Writing Based on Archival Material]

Italian Jewish Networks from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century: Bridging Europe and the Mediterranean (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), co-edited with Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti and Guri Schwarz

Special issue of Jewish History 24: 3-4 (2010) on "Tradition and Transformation in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Jewish Integration in Comparative Perspective," guest-edited with Federica Francesconi

El‘azar from Worms, Il Segreto dell’Opera della Creazione, ECIG: Genoa 2002, Italian annotated translation from the Hebrew

Selected articles in refereed journals and refereed edited volumes

""Your Father's Interests": The Business of Kinship in a Trans-Mediterrenean Jewish Merchant Family, 1776-1790," Jewish Quarterly Review 108.2 (2018), 194-224

“The Jews of Italy, 1650-1815” in Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe, eds., The Cambridge History of Judaism, vol. 7: The Early Modern World, 1500-1815 (Cambridge University Press, 2017), 864-893

“Printing, Fundraising, and Jewish Patronage in Eighteenth-Century Livorno,” in Richard Cohen, Natalie Dohrmann, Adam Shear, and Elchanan Reiner, eds., Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe: Studies in Honor of David B. Ruderman (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press/HUC Press, 2014), 250-259

“Hebrew Printing in Eighteenth-Century Livorno: From Government Control to a Free Market,” in Joseph Hacker and Adam Shear, eds., The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy (Penn Press: Philadelphia 2011), pp. 171-195

“The Port of Livorno and its Nazione Ebrea in the Eighteenth Century: Economic Utility and Political Reforms,” Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 2 (2011), 45-68

“Two Jews Walk into a Coffeehouse”: The “Jewish Question,” Utility, and Political Participation in Late Eighteenth-Century Livorno, Jewish History 24 (2010), 309-329

“Tradition and Transformation in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Jewish Integration in Comparative Perspective,” Jewish History 24 (2010), co-authored with Federica Francesconi, 235-246

“Biblical Poetry, Spinozist Hermeneutics, and Critical Scholarship: The Polemical Activities of Raffaele Rabeni in Early Eighteenth-Century Italy,” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 8 (2009), 173-198

“Jewish Scholarship, Science, and the Republic of Letters: Joseph Attias in Eighteenth-Century Livorno," ALEPH. Historical Studies in Science & Judaism VII (2007), 97-181

Selected book chapters, conference proceedings, and invited contributions

Early Modern Workshop on Jewish Ego-Documents (Austin, TX, 2011), Autobiographical Accounts for a non-Jewish Friend (translation and introduction):

"Privilegi di stampa e acculturazione: editoria ebraica nella Livorno del '700," in Atti del Convegno Livorno 1606-1806: luogo di incontro tra popoli e culture, Allemandi: Turin 2009, 142-156

"Jewish Modernity in Eighteenth-Century Italy: A Historiographical Survey," Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts VI (2007), 67-78

"Hebrew Printing and Communication Networks between Livorno and North Africa, 1740-1789," Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (2007-2008), 51-59


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